

Brand: Maxtreme
Availability: In Stock
Package: 10ml vial (150mg/ml)
Substance: Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Drostanolone Propionate

Prima-Max is an injectable steroid mixture that is created by the company Maxtreme. The composition of the solution contains three different steroids: Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate and Drostanolone Propionate.

The company Maxtreme developed the injectable steroid combination known as Prima-Max. Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, and Drostanolone Propionate are three distinct drugs that are present in the solution's composition.

The drug is used by many bodybuilding, weightlifting, and strength sports athletes because it is very effective for gaining high-quality, dry muscle and increasing physical performance

It does not retain water and is a powerful fat burner, all of which help to enhance the quality and definition of muscle growth.


The steroid is a drying mix that is ready for use. Synergy is produced as a result. It increases muscular hardness and definition while allowing for the rapid growth of high-quality muscles. It is a potent fat burner that improves physical stamina as well as strength, is totally non-convertible to oestrogens and it also increases the libido during the cycle.


Only men are allowed to use this drug because it may cause masculinization and virilization effects in women, such as hoarseness, increased hair growth, excessive aggression, etc. The drug is taken alone to improve muscle definition and hardness, but it can also be combined with drugs like Turinabol, Methandienone and Stanozolol for increased efficiency.

The first combination will significantly improve strength performance. Additionally, you can take Clenbuterol in combination to help you dry out and build stronger muscles.

The typical dose of the drug is 150mg taken 3–4 times a week, which equates to a weekly dosage of between 450–600mg. The drug's prolonged period of activity is what accounts for the high frequency of injections. Typically, the period lasts 1.5 to 2 months.

The Prima-Max cycle must be followed by post-cycle therapy using Clomid, Anastrozole, or Cabergoline. These drugs will aid in restoring the body's normal testosterone production and maintaining the results.


The drug can have unwanted side effects in addition to its effective ones. There could be androgenic side effects which include acne, aggression, and a loss in the body's ability to naturally produce testosterone. The phenomenon of rebound is reduced with the right dosage and cycle length.


Athletes who have personally experienced the drug's potent effects have only had good things to say about it. The muscles can become stronger, harder, and more defined. Prima-Max has a consistent, long-lasting effect.


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